
Appdelete make tab bar vc root window
Appdelete make tab bar vc root window

appdelete make tab bar vc root window

window.rootViewController vc // A mask of options indicating how you want to perform. I have read many SO answers, and tried many anycodings_xcode-storyboard approaches but none seem to have the same anycodings_xcode-storyboard embedding of a nav controller inside a tab anycodings_xcode-storyboard bar controller. The Window interfaces open() method takes a URL as a parameter, and loads the resource it identifies into a new or existing tab or window. Im trying to swap to another root view controller with a tab bar.

appdelete make tab bar vc root window

#Appdelete make tab bar vc root window how to#

But I am anycodings_xcode-storyboard struggling with how to establish the context anycodings_xcode-storyboard for that last view controller so that the anycodings_xcode-storyboard user can use the back button all the way anycodings_xcode-storyboard back to the tab bar controller. I know how to check the notification anycodings_xcode-storyboard for tags and how to use launchOptions in anycodings_xcode-storyboard AppDelegate to trigger the jump. However, if your intention is to create a iOS tab bar application, theres another Xcode project template that provides a better starting point and thats. Select view controllers for Relationship Segue. See the image anycodings_xcode-storyboard below. Press and hold the control key, click the Tab Bar Controller and drag it towards the new view controllers. This anycodings_xcode-storyboard viewController (chatVC) is behind a tabbar anycodings_xcode-storyboard and a navigation controller and several anycodings_xcode-storyboard other view controllers. Upon receiving an APNS notification, I need anycodings_xcode-storyboard to jump to a view controller deep in my anycodings_xcode-storyboard storyboard from AppDelegate.

Appdelete make tab bar vc root window