It is not a book providing scripted lessons, because we recognize that the teaching of mathematics is not about reading scripts, but about listening to our students, making decisions, and having options for ways to support their math learning. Our students are challenged to be able to use their math skills and knowledge, to be mathematical thinkers. It does not focus solely on the content taught in third grade, because we recognize that math is about more than content. This book is about the teaching of mathematics to students in third grade. (click any section below to continue reading) In Depth It identifies the big ideas of both math content and math teaching, unpacking key instructional strategies and detailing why those strategies are so powerful.
Math in Practice is a comprehensive, grade-by-grade professional learning resource designed to fit with any math curriculum you are using. using formative assessment to guide instruction.exploring math concepts through modeling.asking questions that stimulate student thinking.Explore instructional strategies such as. Throughout the Guide for Teachers, you'll find what standards and research say about these topics, extensive support for effectively incorporating these strategies into your everyday instruction, and opportunities to reflect on your teaching. It lays out key instructional ideas and approaches, providing a foundation for the accompanying grade-level books.

The Guide for Teachers is the linchpin of the entire series. Additional Ideas for Support and Practice include tasks and center ideas to support students who need repeated exposure or different ways to access and understand a particular concept.Thinking Through a Lesson sections walk through an entire lesson, including the behind-the scenes thinking and reflection of a master teacher.Extensive teacher notes that support instruction by addressing common misconceptions, differentiation options, and student thinking to look for.The Ideas for Instruction and Assessment section contains lesson ideas, formative assessment options, and suggested questions for eliciting students’ mathematical thinking.All 16 third-grade modules begin with an About the Math section where foundational mathematical ideas, instructional goals, and learning progressions are explored.In tandem with the Guide for Teachers, Teaching Third-Grade Math puts best-practice instruction and deeper understanding at your fingertips. The Math in Practice Grade 3 Pack includes two books: Teaching Third-Grade Math and A Guide for Teachers.